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Muscle Pain Relief

By: :Daniel Crackower 0 comments

In the medical field, muscle pain is referred to as myalgia. There are two kinds of myalgia; long term, and short term. Short term myalgia is cause by overuse or stretching of a muscle or group of muscles, and lasts as long as it takes for the muscle to repair and heal. Long term mylagia is usually caused by a virus, repetitive use or a severe injury to a muscle, prescription medication side effects, or some other condition that has long term effects on the muscles. This condition of having constant muscle pain is known as Myofascial Pain Syndrome.

Aside from people with conditions, another group of people who suffer from muscle pain are athletes. With the constant and stressful usage of their muscles, athletes often have muscle pain and soreness. Some of the most popular athletic muscle creams are IcyHot and Biofreeze, but they do nothing to actually relieve the pain or recover the muscle. They work by out-sensing the pain of the muscle with intense hot and cold sensations—but is that really fixing the problem?

What Causes Muscle Pain?

There are several things that can cause muscle pain. To address the most obvious causes; under-usage of muscles, extreme physical workouts, repetitive strain on a muscle, malnutrition, etc. The more serious forms of muscle pain is caused by infections like lyme disease, malaria, polio, dengue fever, and the flu. Muscle pain also frequents with more common conditions such as chronic fatigue syndrome, subscription medications, and metabolic defects.

Neck Muscle Pain

One of the most heavily stressed muscles in your neck is the sternocleidomastoid. This muscle operates as the navigator for the rest of your neck muscles, and works to keep your head and shoulders steady. The only time this muscle relaxes is during sleep, and it can often become knotted during the night—what we usually call “a creak in my neck”. If this muscle becomes fatigued or sore, it can cause constant neck pain, and even lead to periodic headaches. Many people who go to their physician for headaches learn that they in fact have muscle soreness in their neck causing their headaches.

Back Muscle Pain

Back muscles, like the neck muscles, are some of the most used muscles in the body. They are easily torn and injured due to the sheer amount of flexibility and strength demanded of them. They are expected to be strong enough to hold and manipulate our body weight, while being flexible enough to guide nearly all of our movements. They are constantly being used whether we are sitting, standing, walking or running—and from an evolutionary standpoint—our back muscles are still getting used to standing upright, so it’s no surprise that a lot of us have back pains.

Our back muscles consist of extensor, oblique, and flexor muscles. The extensor muscles operate standing and enables lifting objects. The oblique muscles rotate your spine, helping to maintain proper posture. The flexor muscles allow you to bend forward and backwards. Between these three groups of back muscles, the back operates nearly every movement of the human body.

Calf Muscle Pain

The calf muscles received a lot of strain when walking and running. After heavy usage from a workout or performance, a lot of athletes’ calf muscles are prone to knot up, causing a lot of pain and discomfort. While stretching is always great for the recovery of sore muscles, it’s always beneficial to take extra measures help with muscle recovery and relief.


Some prescription medications can have side effects that lead to muscle pains, so if you’re committed to a medication with this side effect, it could be beneficial to find a solution to your muscle pains. Some medications that cause muscle pains include Lipitor, Mevacor, Zocor, Pravachol, Lescol, and Baycol. In people who have high cholesterol, these medicines can often have the side effect of muscle pains and inflammation. If these conditions go untreated, they can eventually lead to fibromyalgia; an extreme case of myalgia where muscle pain spreads throughout the body, causing painful sensitivity to pressure and activity.

Why Choose Osmoflex to Relieve my Muscle Pain?

Most people turn to popular products like IcyHot and Biofreeze, but these products do nothing to actually relieve the source of the pain. IcyHot and Biofreeze just cause intense hot and cold sensations to cover up or “out-sense” the pain, but don’t actually alleviate it. Osmoflex actually deals with the source of the problem. The ingredients in Osmoflex are made to settle the pain and not just cover it up, as well as promote healthy muscles. Osmoflex also has an edge in that it’s fast acting formula delivers quick and effective relief to muscle pain.

If you’re experiencing any of the pains in the articles above, Osmoflex can help to alleviate it. Osmoflex is designed to help with your upper and lower back pains, neck and calf pains, as well as supply your muscles with ingredients that can promote their health. It’s great for athletes, as well as people taking prescription medications. Osmoflex is also an anti inflammatory, which can counteract the inflammatory effects of your prescription medications.

Benefits of OSMOflex

  • Deals with the source of pain instead of covering it up with other intense senses.
  • No intense or overwhelming smell.
  • Fast acting formula provides quick, genuine pain relief.
  • Contains ingredients that can promote muscle health and strength.
  • Works as an anti inflammatory.
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